1111 – Trash Removal

You’re required to find the minimum width of an arbitary polygon. The solution can be found in two steps:

  • Find a convex hull that contains the polygon.
  • Find it’s minimum width. I choose the Rotating Calipers to do this.

C++ rank 43:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

typedef long double gtype;
const gtype pi = M_PI;
typedef complex<gtype> point;
#define x real()
#define y imag()
#define polar(r, t) polar((gtype) (r), (t))
// vector
#define rot(v, t) ( (v) * polar(1, t) )
#define crs(a, b) ( (conj(a) * (b)).y )
#define dot(a, b) ( (conj(a) * (b)).x )
#define pntLinDist(a, b, p) ( abs(crs((b)-(a), (p)-(a)) / abs((b)-(a))) )
bool cmp_point(point const& p1, point const& p2) {
	return p1.x == p2.x ? (p1.y < p2.y) : (p1.x < p2.x);

// O(n.log(n)) - monotone chain
vector<point> mcH;
void monotoneChain(vector<point> &ps) {
	vector<point> p(ps.begin(), ps.end() - 1);
	int n = p.size(), k = 0;
	mcH = vector<point>(2 * n);
	sort(p.begin(), p.end(), cmp_point);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		while (k >= 2 && crs(mcH[k - 1] - mcH[k - 2], p[i] - mcH[k - 2]) <= 0)
		mcH[k++] = p[i];
	for (int i = n - 2, t = k + 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		while (k >= t && crs(mcH[k - 1] - mcH[k - 2], p[i] - mcH[k - 2]) <= 0)
		mcH[k++] = p[i];
// O(n) - rotating calipers (works on a ccw closed convex hull)
gtype rotatingCalipers(vector<point> &ps) {
	int aI = 0, bI = 0;
	for (size_t i = 1; i < ps.size(); ++i)
		aI = (ps[i].y < ps[aI].y ? i : aI), bI = (ps[i].y > ps[bI].y ? i : bI);
	gtype minWidth = ps[bI].y - ps[aI].y, aAng, bAng;
	point aV = point(1, 0), bV = point(-1, 0);
	for (gtype ang = 0; ang < pi; ang += min(aAng, bAng)) {
		aAng = acos(dot(ps[aI + 1] - ps[aI], aV)
			/ abs(aV) / abs(ps[aI + 1] - ps[aI]));
		bAng = acos(dot(ps[bI + 1] - ps[bI], bV)
			/ abs(bV) / abs(ps[bI + 1] - ps[bI]));
		aV = rot(aV, min(aAng, bAng)), bV = rot(bV, min(aAng, bAng));
		if (aAng < bAng)
			minWidth = min(minWidth, pntLinDist(ps[aI], ps[aI] + aV, ps[bI]))
			, aI = (aI + 1) % (ps.size() - 1);
			minWidth = min(minWidth, pntLinDist(ps[bI], ps[bI] + bV, ps[aI]))
			, bI = (bI + 1) % (ps.size() - 1);
	return minWidth;

int main() {
	int caseI = 0, n;
	vector<point> p;
	while (cin >> n && n) {
		p.clear(), p.resize(n + 1);
		// input
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			cin >> p[i].x >> p[i].y;
		p[n] = p[0];
		// solve
		if (caseI)
			cout << endl;
		cout << "Case " << ++caseI << ": " << fixed << rotatingCalipers(mcH);
	return 0;